61st Annual Symposium on Family Theory and Family Psychotherapy - Friday Afternoon
The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family
This set of videos includes the following presentations:
Moderator: Vanessa Ellison, MA, MDiv, LCSW
Grandparent Death Near Birth in Schizophrenia - James E. Jones, PhD
From Holobionts to the Family Unit: Considering the Impact of the Collective on Evolution - Amie Post, MA, LCMFT
Distance as a Regulatory and Survival Mechanism: Birds, Bowen Theory and My Own Family - Lauren Errington, MA
The Multigenerational Challenges of Transitioning onto Parenthood Seen Through the Process of Unresolved Emotional Attachment - Selden Dunbar Illick, LCSW
The "I" Position: Teasing out its Operating Principles in Working with Parents - Jenny Brown PhD
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